The movie Five Nights at Freddy’s is based off the video game franchise. The movie comes out October 27th, 2023, and my friends and I have been planning to go see thus movie since the trailer came out. We bought our tickets on October 7th, twenty days before the movie even comes out. The movie theatre was packed and there were only around 6 seats left. We got lucky that we got three seats together. My friends and I decided that we are going to dress up. I’m going to wear Freddy slippers, one of my friends is going to wear a Freddy beanie, and another one of my friend’s mom is going to make us shirts. I can’t wait!
FNAF Movie Tickets
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About the Contributor
Kayli Woods, staff writer
Hi my name is Kayli Woods! This is my second year in Journalism. This was one of my favorite classes last year where I made many of my friends.