My dog Max is 13 years old, living with me and my family for 9 years and lasting us a lifetime.
Max is a bichon frisé, fur as fluffy as a pillow and as soft as silk. Max was brought home because of a single job that my dad took up, that changed our lives. My dad went to the job site and the owner came out, supposedly having a new pet and preferring it over Max who went by a different name I know not of.
Offering Max to my dad, he said yes, and came home that day with an excited dog who was 4 years old and eager for a walk. However, he didn’t warm up to us right away. While he was adorable, didn’t bite or bark and was potty trained, he didn’t like to play. He could jump on beds, preferred blankets, but never took the toys we offered, only the brief love he could handle.
And as the years went on, and he grew used to us, Max would jump on my bed and sleep alongside the edge of it. With only a few mishaps and miscommunication on our end, Max is well potty trained and makes it well known when he needs to answer the call of the wild.
Max is quiet, only using whimpers or soft snorts to catch our attention; he’s gone as far as only barking twice when he is tired of us forgetting. He has gotten older, and has begun to lose his vision and hearing. Partly blind in his right eye, Max can still see in his left very well, yet only responds to loud whistles or calls of his name.
I’ve done my best to help him along, and I stomp my feet if I come up behind him so he doesn’t get scared, and he shows his appreciation by not running away and sitting so I can pet him. Max loves ham and walks, pulling off several escapes and winning over the neighbors as this is almost a monthly occurrence.
Despite his old age, Max still acts like a puppy, and I pray he makes it to my graduation. For when that time comes, he will join me on picture day and be there waiting when I walk out as a graduate. Every day I spend time with him, be it with tears in my eyes, or with food awaiting, I tell him he is loved, and that I thank him for everything.
He is my dog, my best friend, and I pick him over anyone. It may be selfish, but I love him in ways no one can imagine, and I thank the world for putting him in my family.
Words can not describe how I feel for him, how much I love him and am grateful he’s with me, but the pictures I take of him can give you a view of that.
Chrys and Max out, see you next week on Tiger Times! /\__/\🐩
Here is my doggo