Mr. Kusayanagi teaches several classes at Elsinore High School; he teaches digital media, graphic design, and photography, each at different levels depending on your experience.
In advanced photography, Mr. K teaches students how to use cameras, different lenses, and using settings to your advantage. You’re taught how to use Photoshop and Light Room, one used to make small adjustments in backgrounds, the other to manipulate the lighting. Cameras and lenses can be signed out for assignments, all of which was paid for using a grant from the government.
Assignments include editing photos like changing the hair color of a stock image or photos for yearbook. Many are sample photos, so they won’t be in the final product, but they give rough ideas for others! Turning in the assignments depends on what it’s for; personal assignments away from yearbook are flexible if you want to take pictures of the track team and they don’t have a meet until the day your assignment is due. Yearbook photos are final, so if you don’t got the time, must pay a fine. (You will lose points, so make sure to keep up in class!)
You can ask for help whenever you want during class, be it asking the teacher or tutors who are standby and lounging around til a job needs to be done. Having help around assists with retaining more information, so never be shy to drop by and ask them for help, that’s what they’re there for!
The teachers are well liked, kind to those even who aren’t their students. Mr. Kusayanagi greeted me and happily showed me his class and the others connected by an oddly shaped room. He enjoys his job and will be ecstatic when more students join him next year. So be sure to check any of the PTE classes!
