In recent times, there has been a notable change in the way people consume newly released movies, with an increasing preference for on-demand streaming services over traditional theater experiences. With on-demand services, individuals have the flexibility to watch movies at their own convenience. Busy schedules, academic commitments, and extracurricular activities often make it challenging for high school students to plan outings to theaters. On-demand platforms provide the ease of access, allowing viewers to watch movies anytime, anywhere. On-demand platforms offer the advantage of pausing, rewinding, or fast-forwarding, providing viewers with a level of control over their movie-watching experience. This personalized control is particularly appealing to a generation accustomed to having options at their fingertips. The main reason why people are watching on demand now is due to the global COVID-19 pandemic that significantly impacted the way people approach entertainment. Health concerns, social distancing measures, and temporary closures of theaters have accelerated the adoption of on-demand platforms as a safer and more accessible movie-watching option.
Why People Watch Movies on Demand Now
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About the Contributor

MJ Augustin, staff writer