I recently realized that I only have two years until I’m in the adult world. Knowing that has had me thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life. A year ago I thought that my career had to be something to do with helping people in some way, like a doctor or a teacher. Now I know I don’t have to want to do that, I can do what makes me happy and have fulfillment. I have been getting my hair cut and dyed anyway I want since I was 11, but it wasn’t till this summer that I started to do it myself. I stared by giving my hair a trim here and there and it always turned out good, then I dyed it different colors almost every two week with color conditioner. After I got bored with just dying my hair I decide to cut my bangs and it turned out really good and my friends and family said that I should be a hairdresser. Hearing that made me realize that I love trying new things and experimenting with different styles and I wanted to do other people’s hair instead of just mine. I knew of someone who went to cosmetology school for hair and makeup and that had just graduated, so I reached out to her and asked her what I needed to do to get started on that career path. I’m going to find and reach out to different hair dressers who are willing to let me learn from them until it’s time for me to apply to a cosmetology school. Once I get my cosmetology license I want to do hair and makeup for plays and musicals, because I love doing hair and theater so why not do both. I’m really excited to start my journey on this career, as I’ve never been this passionate about something before and it’s giving me a sense of purpose.