I have 4 dogs, and my pups’ names are ButterBall, Lil Stank, Molly, and Roxie. I’m talking about Molly and Roxie and how they are so bad. Roxie is a little midget boxer/pit mix. Her tail is too big for her body and it makes her walk funny, like she is waddling. While Molly is this sweet golden retriever, before we got her she was used as a breeding dog so I’m glad we got her out of that awful area. She was scared of everything so it took a while for her to be natural around us, but as soon as she met our little puppy Roxie they became best friends. I wish they were still sweet, now they are just evil fatties. All they want is food and to annoy us. What makes it even worse is my boyfriend pays more attention to them instead of me! As soon as I get up from my spot I look back and both of those scoundrels are surrounding him in my spot! They love him so much they go crazy for him, and any time he is over all they want is to play with him. I get at most 30 minutes of peace without them fighting for my spot. I think my dogs might have a crush on my boyfriend and I don’t know how to make them stop…. These puppies are so naughty, they love to destroy everything. All of my sisters’ and my stuffed animals look like they have gone to war. The stuffing is out and their eyes are ripped out, what an awful site to see. Don’t get me wrong, I love these dogs to death but man are they spoiled.
Roxie and Molly are Rascals
my puppies are evil and spoiled
Photo Credit: me
evil pups torturing ilo
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About the Contributor

Lauren McCullough, staff writer
Hi my name is Lauren and I like cats, sleeping, music, and my boyfriend and that’s pretty much it!! :)