With the fall season coming up that means that homecoming is right around the corner! The homecoming game is one of the most important events of the year. At the homecoming game parents come, JV and Varsity become one team, and it is decorated so beautifully. The homecoming game symbolizes people coming together and welcoming the school year. The game is also very exciting because it’s the night before the homecoming dance. The dance is not at the school, it’s at Mulligan’s. There are many activities to do there and people like that it’s not at school. People ask each other out to the dance with signs and are creative. Students also run for king or queen. They campaign and make signs to get people to vote. Homecoming is not only popular in our city, it’s something mostly all states do! Students look forward to this time of year and it’s great tradition to participate in!
Homecoming Season

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About the Contributor

Noelia Ramos, staff writer
My name is Noelia and I’m a senior this year at Elsinore High School. I’m a cheerleader and I also play stunt! I love spending time with my family and friends, and I hope to study law/ business in college!