Howl’s Moving Castle is a movie released in 2004 by Studio Ghibli. In the English version it stars Christain Bale, Jean Simmons, Blythe Danner, and Emily Mortimer to name a few. The soundtrack of the movie was created by Joe Hisaishi. The movie is about a girl named Sophie who is cursed and has to find a way to reverse it. Along the way she meets Howl and they fall in love.
Howl’s Moving Castle is based on a book by the same name. While they share the same name they have two completely different plots. Hayao Miyazaki, the creator of Studio Ghibli, was against the war in Vietnam and Iraq so much that he didn’t accept the Oscar for Spirited Away. This message is loud and clear in Howl’s Moving Castle, having war as a big part of the movie. In the book war is only mentioned once or twice in the whole book.
Howl’s Moving Castle is one of my favorite movies and my favorite from Studio Ghibli. Even if the movie doesn’t follow the book, it is a good movie.