Danganronpa is a series of visual novel adventure games that revolve around a group of talented high school students who are trapped inside a school by a sadistic bear named Monokuma. The students are forced to participate in a killing game where they must murder each other and get away with it. If the person who commits the crime doesn’t get caught, they get to leave. However, everyone else will die. After a murder occurs, a class trial is held where the students must figure out who the killer is. If they guess correctly, the killer will be executed; if they guess wrong, everyone else is executed. This killing game will continue until there is only 2 people left.
There are 3 main Danganronpa games in the series.
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.
- Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair.
- Danganronpa 3 Killing Harmony.
Each of the games have new character and new mysteries to solve. This is a really great series because it’s intense and full of unexpected twists. There are mixes of mystery, suspense, and unique characters that keep you hooked from start to finish. All of the characters have different designs, personalities and are written well. Also, the class trials add a whole new level of excitement and challenge to the gameplay. In the class trials you need to solve a case just like a detective. Overall it’s a very thrilling experience and I recommend you play it!