According Cleveland Clinic:
A diagnostic medical sonographer, or an ultrasound tech(technician), is a provider of healthcare that uses a special medical instrument to produce images inside of your body. They work closely with physicians and other healthcare providers who also look at images to assess and diagnose medical conditions.
Ultrasound technicians specialize in creating ultrasounds or sonograms. Sonography are sound waves from high-frequency to produce images of your body’s organs and tissues. They scan your body using a medical instrument called a transducer. Transducers send out pulses of sound that bounce back, causing echoes. Those echoes form an image of the inside of your body on the computer screen.
Ultrasound technicians have many responsibilities:
–Profiling you, by checking your prior exams.
–Preparing the exam room and maintaining the imaging equipment.
-Preparing you for the procedure by explaining what’s going to happen and answering any questions you may have.
–Getting you set up in the proper position for imaging.
–Reviewing the images to check for quality and coverage of the areas needed.
-Analyzing the imaging results for abnormalities and providing a summary of their finding to your radiologist.
–Recording their findings and keeping track to your medical records.
There are also many types of medical sonographers:
–Abdominal sonographer
–Breast sonographer
–Cardiac sonographer (echocardiographer)
–Musculoskeletal sonographer
–Pediatric sonographer
–Obstetric and gynecologic sonographer
–Vascular technologist (vascular sonographer)