Due to some unfortunate events from the banning of Dockside Extortionists, Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt, and Nadu, The Commander Rules Committee, or the RC, which was run with prominent judges and figures of the Commander format, have stepped down from their high status, mostly due to death threats, and because the Commander Advisors Club, a prestigious club with direct influence on the RC from the player fanbase, was not told of these bannings before hand so a lot of their members resigned because they believed their voices were not even thought of as an option on these bannings. Now Wizards of the Coast is solely in charge of all of the Commander format which in context with previous interactions with their fans, doesn’t look good, i.e. the Pinkerton’s situation. Magic has a history of not really listening to their player base that much.
Something Interesting Happened to Commander
Magic: The Gathering rant.
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