The debate of the best anime out of the big three anime/manga series has been around since the beginning of each of the manga’s respective starts, One Piece in 1997, Naruto in 1999, and Bleach in 2001. They are called the big three of anime/manga due to their popularity and impact in the world. The most popular anime in the world is arguably Naruto and if not the world definitely in the west. People always think of Naruto when someone says manga. To me Naruto feels the most nostalgic because it was always on when I was younger on Cartoon Network but it would be my 3rd favorite out of the big three due to its world building and character building which lacks behind Bleach and One Piece but its quick to the point arcs which is what makes it so popular and its memorable characters that it does focus on. Its series just had too many unanswered questions and left too many characters out to make it my favorite. My second would be Bleach because it has good characters, good concepts, and great villains and better pacing than One Piece but lacks a world building aspect. I would suggest this anime to people looking for a dark more TV style of anime because like Naruto it is much more to the point and due to that can feel a bit empty as they have little to no time to let time pass. My number one manga/anime would have to be One Piece, although it is very long and dragged out anime it is my favorite due to its world building, powers and characters. The anime does not do justice to the manga and for me the anime is what loses a lot of people instead 0f adapting 3 or 4 chapters of manga to a single episode, it is more like a 1 to 1 chapter to episode ratio which makes it feel dragged out and a bit boring at times but for me it still is better because of it world building. Like at every arc’s end we see how the main characters made an impact in the world and how other people have to react to that news and how enemies take charge. So for me I love all of these shows and all have a special place in my heart, like Naruto, despite being my third favorite, holds the most nostalgia and had an impact on me growing up. So if you ask me I suggest watching any one of these shows–they are all honestly some of the best ways to use free time instead of scrolling endlessly on your phone for hours.