Butter is one of the 4 dogs that my girlfriend has. Butter is one of her oldest dogs but is definitely one of the cutest. He is a corgi mix and is kind of weird looking, extremely round and stubby, but bigger then the normal corgi. Butter looks at you as if he has never eaten at all; he could be in one of those commercials for the dog shelters with those puppy eyes. He loves to eat and tries to take all the other dogs’ food. He is like a mean old man as a dog, and he gets annoyed when the puppies play top rough and he barks for no reason. My girlfriend thinks Butter is annoying but I actually really like him, he is just a sweet old dog looking for pets and love (given by me). At first he was scared of me and wouldn’t really go near me, but now he comes up to me and pushes my girlfriend out of the way to get pets. All of her dogs love me more than her which is amazing. Butter is so stinkin’ silly.