New Girl is a TV sitcom that was released in September 2011, airing until May 2018. It is a show about a girl named Jess who breaks up with her long term boyfriend and is in distraught because of it. She moves out of her place to find a loft with three male roommates, Nick, Schmidt, and Coach. The show goes on to reveal another roommate, Winston, and Jess’ lifelong best friend Cece. The show reveals the connection they all build within each other and towards other people. Relationships build and fall, moving in and moving out. Throughout the show they still are able to keep the witty charm it has even with all of the problems.
New Girl
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About the Contributor
Kayli Woods, staff writer
Hi my name is Kayli Woods! This is my second year in Journalism. This was one of my favorite classes last year where I made many of my friends.