Lil Stink is one of the 4 dogs that my girlfriend owns. Lil Stink is very lil and she’s also very old. Recently Lil Stink recovered from an injury on her leg that caused her to like limp. I thought she might’ve broken her leg because of how old she is but I guess it was only sprained. Lil Stink is kind of a very active old dog. She always jumps on and off the couch which I’m assuming is how she hurt her leg but she goes on walks and wanders around the house and their backyard. My girlfriend doesn’t really like Lil Stink and calls her ugly but I think she’s a cute lil doggo.
Lil Stink
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About the Contributor
Ilo Simmons, staff writer
Hi my name's Ilo and I like dogs, going outside, hanging out with my girlfriend and I love my girlfriend.