I have personally always taken dressing up for Halloween very seriously. I love the idea of a day anyone can pretend to be who they want, and it’s not presumed as weird. Growing up I dressed up as all sorts of things. One year I was the Cheshire cat and the year after that I was Winnie the Pooh. I just want to be able to dress up and everyone just has fun, isn’t that what Halloween is all about? Ever since quarantine, Halloween hasn’t been taken as seriously in my opinion, dissociation from the world brought dissociation to everything in it. Most people don’t dress up, at school barely anyone dresses up too. There is a good amount that still do which makes me happy. This year me and my wonderful boyfriend are going to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf; it took us a while to decide but I like what we chose. Personally I wanted us to be Flynn Rider and Rapunzel because that’s cute, but he wanted this one more, he thought it was cuter. I’m so excited for us to spend Halloween togetherbecause it’s our first one, and I love to show off my boyfriend so I’m sure I’ll be posting a million things about how cute we look.
Halloween Costumes

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About the Contributor

Lauren McCullough, staff writer
Hi my name is Lauren and I like cats, sleeping, music, and my boyfriend and that’s pretty much it!! :)