Growing up, Princess and the Frog was my 2nd favorite Disney movie. I remember watching it for the 1st time at my cousins’ house when I was like 5 or 6 and the first thing I asked was “black people can be princesses too?” I’m black myself (ya’ll thought I was racist lol) and in every other movie/show I’ve watched, darker characters were just side characters or servants. Seeing a black girl be a princess made me want to be one too. It made me happy. Though, when I asked my older cousin that, she thought I had asked a ridiculous question and said “of course, why wouldn’t they?” That was the confirmation little 5 year old me needed to be Tiana for Halloween the next year. When I actually think about it, it’s kind of sad. The media portrayed black people so poorly that a little 5 year old girl thought that black girls couldn’t be princesses. I love that movie with my whole heart but Tiana also didn’t have to be a frog for majority of the movie, it’s called The Princess AND the Frog not The Princess is a Frog.
The Princess and the Frog!
Short Personal Story:)
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Pahrys Rojas, staff writer
Hiiii my name is Pahrys (Paris). I’m a senior that likes to read, write, and bake in my free time. I also love Betty Boop ;)