My girlfriend and I are planning to start baking, because she says that we need new hobbies and I agree. Recently she has been craving cookies, all sorts, and she demands she gets them. Right now we have been making peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses on the top and we have made some pretty good brownies. We plan on making more brownies for our teachers and some of the security guards we like. I personally just really like having something to do because sometimes I’m just too lazy. We’re hoping our teachers like the cookies and we plan on making different flavors like lemon or just normal chocolate chip cookies. Eventually I want to make sugar cookies because my girlfriend loves them but we need to perfect our baking skills first. Overall I just love that we started baking and I love that we can make others happy with what we bake.

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About the Contributor

Ilo Simmons, staff writer
Hi my name’s Ilo and I like dogs, going outside, hanging out with my girlfriend and I love my girlfriend.