Rick and Morty is an animated adult show, released in 2012 and mostly produced by Dan Harmon. This show is about a mad scientist named Rick Sanchez and his grandson Morty who go on crazy adventures to different universes, planets, and dimensions. Rick lives with his daughter Beth, and her husband Jerry, with their two children, Summer and Morty. Rick is a raging alcoholic but it that is what forms his character. My personal favorite episode of this show is, Look Who’s Purging Now, where Rick and Morty arrive on an alien planet to receive fuel for their spaceship/car, and on this planet on this particular day they are having the purge. The purge is a night meant to cleanse impurities, so legally anyone can do anything illegal they have wanted to do with no consequence. Ultimately Rick and Morty are stuck there since they decided to help a girl and she tricked them, so they have Summer send them armor suits with weapons to help them get their stuff back and go home.
Rick and Morty
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About the Contributor
Kayli Woods, staff writer
Hi my name is Kayli Woods! This is my second year in Journalism. This was one of my favorite classes last year where I made many of my friends.