Arcane is an animated television show based off of the video game franchise, League of Legends. The show and video game are two completely different things, only the characters are the same (don’t play the game, just watch the show). Arcane’s main characters are Jinx and Vi, who are sisters. The show starts when they are young teenagers. They live in Zaun or the undercity which is a place overridden with toxic air, waters, and chemicals so they try and go up to Piltover, the rich, and steal some of their stuff to make some money. From there they blow up a building and basically everything goes downhill very fast.
Even though Jinx and Vi are the main characters Arcane clearly depicts every character with their own specific plot. For example, Jayce, who is a young adventurousĀ scientist finds a way to combine science and magic. He then quickly climbs the social and scientific hierarchy becoming one of the most important people in Piltover(rich). You could just take his plot and make a completely different show out of it and it’d be a 10/10. That’s one of the many things I love about Arcane.
The creators of Arcane, Christian Linke and Alex Yee, took six years to make the first season and it took another three years for season two to come out. Knowing this makes me appreciate all the little details, foreshadowing, and character relationships/parallels even more. Their characters are diverse and complex. It makes you interested in all the sub plots just as much as the main one. I also love that the main couple in Arcane is lesbian. Their relationship is so complex and intense which is kinda weird seeing as they knew each other for no longer than 2 weeks before falling in love, breaking each others’ hearts, and then getting back together (they never made it official and kissed once). The LGBTQ+ community is clearly represented in this show. There’s sooooooo much more I could say but there’s a little too much lore to explain but Arcane is definitely a 100/10, one of my favorite shows ever I HIGHLY recommend you watch it.