Honestly I don’t think I am really doing anything this Christmas break, I just want to spend as many days as I can with my boyfriend. There are a couple things I want to do with him like celebrate our 10 months, go ice skating, go shopping so he can spoil me (I spoil him). It is finally cold enough so I can wear all cozy clothes and have hot cocoa and get in warm blankets. Christmas is my favorite time around I love everything about it, well except how it gets tooooo cold. For Christmas I’m getting furniture for my room I think so I want to rearrange my room and make it all cute. The last time I truly changed everything in my room was like in 2020, because I plan on taking alllll of my posters down and changing the whole aesthetic. I’m so excited to be able to sleep all day and not have to go to school, I always wake up super early for school even on weekends so I hope this break can change that.
Christmas Break

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About the Contributor

Lauren McCullough, staff writer
Hi my name is Lauren and I like cats, sleeping, music, and my boyfriend and that’s pretty much it!! :)