The Red Room curse is a modern urban legend that started from an animation titled “The Red Room.” It became popular in the internet’s dark corners after an 11-year-old girl who lived in Nagasaki stabbed her classmate to death at school. The killer was a fan of the Red Room animation.
The curse starts with a pop-up on a victim’s computer screen when alone in a room. It has a red background with black letters asking, “あなたは〜好きですか?” (Do you like ~?) As the victim frantically tries to close the pop-up, more words appear until it reads: “あなたは赤い部屋が好きですか?” (Do you like the red room?)
The entire screen becomes red, and a list of past victims appears. Whether it’s something supernatural or the victim is compelled to do the deed themselves is unknown. Regardless, they are killed, and their blood covers the walls of the room. Hence, the “red room” curse.