This year I plan on trying to achieve goals that I set for myself. For example, I want to make my bed every day and clean my room at least once a week. Another thing I want to do is hangout with my family more and socialize with others. I want to compliment a random girl at least once a day to be kind. Another thing I want is to try and make more friends, but true genuine friends that will benefit me. Last year I felt as if I didn’t get to accomplish as much as I wanted to, and that’s not a problem but for 2025 I want to try and stop that and get as much done as possible. The main goal at the moment I want to do which is like my big goal, is that I want to adopt and raise more guinea pigs. I already have one but I’m hoping for my birthday I can get some and give them an amazing life.
My Goals for 2025
What I want to achieve for 2025.
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About the Contributor
Lauren McCullough, staff writer
Hi my name is Lauren and I like cats, sleeping, music, and my boyfriend and that’s pretty much it!! :)