Christopher Nolan’s 2014 sci-fi movie, Interstellar, is intriguing with emotional aspects, a dramatic plot, and interesting visuals. With the movie being 2 hours and 49 minutes, some parts were long and could be shortened. Although Brand fell in love with Dr. Wolf Edmunds and the movie is more centered on the father-daughter relationship between Cooper and Murphy, I feel like there is a connection forming with Cooper because they got closer due to being in space together and they had a conversation about love being powerful. The emotional aspects of the film include Cooper’s reaction to the videos that his son and daughter send him while he is in space. There was excellent performance by the actors with Matthew McConaughey as Cooper, Anne Hathaway as Brand, Jessica Chastain as Murphy, Timothee Chalamet as Tom, and many more. Overall, the movie kept me thinking about time, space, and dimensions for days after. I think it changed the way I view space even though most elements in the movie are fictional. I definitely recommend to watch Interstellar, so grab some popcorn and enjoy this exciting movie.
Movie Review: Interstellar
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About the Contributor

Sophia Romaniello, staff writer
Ciao! I am Sophia Romaniello. I’m currently a sophomore. I’m on the varsity track and field team and junior varsity volleyball team at Elsinore High School. My interests are sports, politics, fitness, fashion, music, and literature. Argumentative writing is my favorite type of writing. I like to write about problematic and controversial topics, but I am always open to writing about different things.