Aliens, also known as extraterrestrials, are lifeforms that originate from outside Earth. The bald, big-eyed creatures we know were made up from harmful stereotypes and were racially coded.
In 1989, Linda Napolitano, a N.Y.C housewife, claimed that she had been abducted by aliens. She stated her first encounter was 13 years prior where she dreamt she was levitating and woke up with a nosebleed. Afterward, she claimed to find a strange bump, which she believed to be a foreign object, on the side of her nose. When a specialist tried to remove it, the object was no longer there.
The most famous alien abduction story is the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, a civil rights couple who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. The Hills were on their honeymoon trip from Montreal to New Hampshire when they claimed to have seen a bright light near the moon while driving home. Barney said they were “abducted by humanoid creatures in a UFO who forced them to undergo medical examinations.”
The Hills’ story changed the way people regarded alien encounters. Before their story, most people reported friendly encounters with UFOs and aliens. Consider the noble alien visitor portrayed in the hit 1951 movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” But the Hills added an element of horror to these stories, including details such as gray-skinned aliens with large heads and black eyes, missing periods of time, and forced medical examinations.