In my English class we just finished reading Frankenstein. It was an interesting story with a lot of in depth descriptions. I hated the main character, Victor Frankenstein. He was a selfish and pathetic protagonist. He made the creature seem to be the devil incarnate as if he didn’t literally make the creature. All he ever did was blame the creature until his last breath. He was a narrow minded hypocrite that could never take responsibility for his own wrongs. I felt great pity for the creature. He was just a child who was never taught any better. He had so much potential to be good and be what Victor wanted to initially create. If he wasn’t neglected and instead loved he’d have turned into something great. In conclusion, Victor sucks and I recommend you read Frankenstein just because it’s a good classic.
Frankenstein Review
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Pahrys Rojas, staff writer
Hiiii my name is Pahrys (Paris). I’m a senior that likes to read, write, and bake in my free time. I also love Betty Boop ;)