Reports of “killer clowns” started to surge throughout the world in 2016, but sightings of them go as far back as 1981. Most of the reports led to some people being arrested for making false reports, threats, or chasing people, but none linked to any actual harm or violence. Despite the widespread media of these clowns, “apparently” there was no actual evidence of murder or serious injuries were found.
This is a story of an encounter with a killer clown…
I was chilling at a local park with some of my friends when I decided to walk through the park and go to McDonald’s. I had just gotten to the entrance of the park trail when I heard rustling in the bushes on my left. It was about 9pm and dark so I was a bit spooked.
Needless to say, I ran back to my friends and told them what happened, and they were all mad and as a group we ran back to the bushes and started searching. We heard a quiet giggle and it confirmed my suspicions, so I yelled “come out!” …no response, but about 5 seconds later a rusty razor blade comes flying out of the bushes and hit me in the chest. We were all scared so we ran off.
Next day on news, an elderly man got stabbed by a man dressed in a clown costume. Not fun…