EHS Cheer

An inside look
EHS Cheer

EHS Cheer is notorious for being the preppiest and most enthusiastic bunch.

Beginning the period with laying out mats, the cheerleaders lie down to begin full body stretches. Once everyone is warmed up and ready, they continue with their routines.

Positions on the cheer team include main base, secondary base, back spot, and flyer. Positions are chosen by what is most comfortable by the cheerleader; they will never be forced into being a flyer or something they refuse or don’t find themselves doing.

While an energetic crowd lies inside, everything isn’t always bright and sunny. The risk of injuries are low, but never zero. Most if not all injuries are elbows to the nose and a few minor concussions. Hamstrings may be sore by the end of the day, but being alongside others as cheery as you makes it all worthwhile.

Cheerleaders are chosen during tryouts but if you think your body can do it, you should try! Despite the movie belief that cheerleaders are rude and snotty, everyone there was so kind and sweet, and never once did I feel like I wasn’t welcome when I walked in. Much thanks especially to the wonderful cheerleader who was in charge at the time who answered all our questions, and we definitely recommend meeting the cheerleaders.


Also, cheerleaders really love football cheers, so be sure to show up to games and cheer them on!

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