The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

Not All Satanists Are Atheists

Debunking Satanist (Satanic Temple) Myths Pt. 4

Some satanists believe Satan (from Christianity) wasn’t wrong in his protest against power, and some satanists don’t even believe in Satan. That’s because the only strict beliefs that unites satanists together are the 7 fundamental tenets. You could be a Christian and resonate with the 7 fundamental tenets. I’m not going to lie and act like that’s been the norm. The history of satanism prides itself in protesting against religious norms. However, realistically, as long as you believe in and follow the tenets you’d be considered a satanist if you chose to do so. Some satanists worship their own version of god, themselves, or are atheists. Some believe in rituals and others don’t. If there is any confusion I recommend the satanic temple website or one of the books linked that are also on the website.

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