The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

The Student News Site of Elsinore High School

Tiger Times

CORALINE Book vs Movie Part 2


Personality changes

In the movie, Coraline is very curious. She has a lot of attitude and is usually very assertive. She’s brave most of the time and rarely has and shows her fear. In the book, Coraline is sweeter. She is smart but still a bit naive. She’s easily afraid but still brave and equally as curious. She’s also less absorbed by the other world, as she finds it happier but also quickly realizes how creepy it is.

The cat, in the movie, is sassy when provoked but also very joking and sarcastic. In the book, it’s equally sarcastic if not more but also quite mean with a bit more attitude than the movie. He also has a thing against names, while we don’t get an exact name in the movie, in the book he makes it a point not to have a name, claiming they’re useless.

In the movie, the other father seems controlled by the other mother, like he himself isn’t an entity but something created by the beldam (later revealed to be the pumpkin). However, he tries his best to help Coraline when he meets his demise sacrificing himself to give her the piece she needed to win while also apologizing and yelling that the other mother is making him attack her. Now, in the book he still attacks her but the difference is so chilling it will have a separate post about it. In the book, he talks a bit more, isn’t as goofy, and gives her more information than he does in the movie. In the movie, when presented button eyes he says “so sharp you won’t feel a thing,” a way to sway Coraline while holding some truth. In the book he straight up lies to her, “it won’t hurt.”

Not about personality but something extra I thought I’d include was the difference in the description of the beldam (other mother). In the movie, she looks exactly like the real mother (other than her crooked nose being fixed and obviously the button eyes) UNTIL Coraline ticks her off and she becomes taller and skinnier and more pale with sharper nails and a sharper nose and face (her final figure, the BEAUTY of creepy resembles a spider, something I am terrified of). In the book, she does look like the real mother and becomes taller BUT already is quite pale with very sharp fingers and nails. (another side note, the neck brace obviously doesn’t exist in the book since it’s only there because of the car accident in the movie). She also has a better temper, still creepy and mean, but less angered easily.

Extra Detail: The other mother tends to stroke Coraline’s hair, which she does not like. Very creepy= very cool

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